Soybean {51111405}

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Shared Reference Notes

  • [1.1
    - high intake of milk and soy beverages was associated with a higher abundance of beneficial faecal microbes including #Faecalibacterium, #Bifidobacterium, and #Parabacteroides. - consumption of fermented soy milk was associated with increased abundance of #Bifidobacterium, bifidobacteria and/or Lactobacillus compared to unfermented soy milk.
  • [#Breast cancer, #Menopause] - soy #Isoflavone intake is associated with a modest reduction in menopausal hot flushes and decreased breast and #Prostate cancer risk.
  • [#Ruminococcus] - diet containing soy protein resulted in increased abundance of Enterococus and decreased abundance of #Lactobacilli and Ruminococus in rats
  • - Soybeans contain around twice the amount of protein compared to other commonly consumed beans and legumes, and are the only plant source that contains all nine essential amino acids. The #Leucine content of soybeans is comparable to levels found in fish and eggs.
  • - Soybeans also contain higher amounts of polyunsaturated fatty acids, including both omega-6 and omega-6 essential fatty acids, #Linoleic acid and alpha-linolenic acid, than other common legumes
  • - Soybeans have a similar dietary fibre content to other commonly consumed beans and pulses [7], mainly in the form of oligosaccharides (predominately stachyose),
  • [1.2] [#Grape, #Peanut
    - #Resveratrol has been found in more than 70 different plant species and important dietary sources are grapes (skin and seeds), red wine, peanuts, and soy.
  • [1.3] [#Adlercreutzia equolifaciens
    - A. equolofaciens produces the nonsteroidal #Estrogen #Equol from isoflaven found in soybeans

References Notes

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Common References

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