Cessation of breastfeeding {50000150} Record Keys Definition:Cessation of breastfeeding Queue:[ ] Details Initialisation date:2020-10-03 Specification: [ ] Meta Information Type:Diet, Habit Host: Human Notes: [ ]Shared Reference Notes [1.1] - After cessation of breastfeeding, the fecal microbiota gradually becomes dominated by mainly anaerobic Clostridia. [1.2] [#Acute lymphoblastic leukemia] [#Cesarean section, #Human breast milk, #Socio-economic status] - The risk of BCP-ALL is increased by caesarean section (C-section) birth, brief or absent breastfeeding and paucity of social contacts during infancy. - these social risk factors are shared with type 1 diabetes and allergies, raising the possibility of a common underlying immune priming deficit. [#Polysaccharide] - Cessation of breastfeeding initiates the transition towards an #Adult-like gut microbiome composition, which is characterized by expansion of #Roseburia spp. and #Anaerostipes spp., restriction of #Lactobacillus spp. and a functional shift towards an increased capacity to degrade complex polysaccharides [#Human breast milk] - Although breast milk may temporarily suppress maturation of the gut microbiome during infancy, #Children who are predominantly breastfed develop a more mature gut microbiome by the second year of life.References Notes[ ]