High temperature and humidity {51111469} Record Keys Definition:High temperature and humidity Queue:[ ] Details Initialisation date:[ ] Specification: [ ] Meta Information Type:Regional, Environment Host:[ ] Zone:[ ] Notes: [ ]Shared Reference Notes [1.1] HTH > elevated plasma #TMAO, which are transformed from #Choline by specific bacterial genera, and associated with high #Atherosclerosis burden - HTH caused a distinct alteration of gut microbiota charactered as increased #Firmicutes/ #Bacteroidetes ratio, decreased #Prevotellaceae UCG-001 accompanied with increased #Lachnoclostridium and #Candidatus saccharimonas at day 7. #Prevotellaceae UCG-001, involved in saccharolytic fermentation, probably contributed to the decreased plasma #Butyric acid level. - the decreased #Butyric acid recovered rapidly and could not explain the #GLP-1 suppression as butyrate supplement could not alleviate #GLP-1 decline [#Bile Acids] - ambient HTH affected the crosstalk between gut microbiota and BAs and thereby caused an aberrant FXR activation and #GLP-1 suppression. [#Bile Acids] - BAs (like CA, CDCA, and CA) are FXR agonizts, and all of them reduced slightly after HTH treatment, the intestinal FXR signaling pathway was activated. [#High ambient temperature] - High-temperature and humidity conditions > decrease in #Lithocholic acid levels References Notes[ ]