Ellagitannins {90000308}

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Shared Reference Notes

  • [1.1
    - Ellagic tannins, in pomegranate and grape, are not bioavailable but intestinal microbes can convert them into #Urolithins with antioxidant activity and preventive effects for chronic diseases such as cancer, diabetes, and cardiovascular and neurodegenerative diseases
  • [1.2
    - microbial-derived #Urolithins have potent anti-inflammatory effects. In human colonic fibroblasts, #Urolithins, but not their ellagitannin precursor, inhibited nuclear factor kappa-light-chain-enhancer of activated B cells (NF-κB) translocation into the nucleus and consequent activation of downstream inflammatory events.
  • [#Gordonibacter pamelaeae] - The #Urolithins are an important class of bioactive microbial metabolites derived from ellagitannin and #Ellagic acid precursors. - Several bacterial species have been identified that produce their intermediate metabolites including #Gordonibacter urolithinfaciens and G. pamelaeae.
  • [1.3] [#Polyphenols
    - #Urolithin A (uroA) is a polyphenol derived from the multi-step metabolism of dietary ellagitannins by the human gut microbiota that can affect host health by stimulating mitophagy.

References Notes

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