Aldehyde {90000667} Record Keys Parent:[ ] Definition:Aldehyde Queue:[ ] Details Initialisation date:[ ] Specification: [ ]Source: [ ] Meta Information Structural Type:[ ] Functional Type:[ ] Function:[ ] Notes: [ ]Shared Reference Notes [1.1] [#Autism] - aldehydes such as benzenacetaldehyde were thought to be involved in the #Phenylalanine pathway > potential ASD biomarkers. [1.2] [#Short Chain Fatty Acid] - SCFA administration stimulate #Retinoic acid (RA) production in the intestinal epithelium, a #vitamin #A derivate converted by aldehyde dehydrogenases, which is associated with signaling and expansion of peripheral Tregs (pTregs) in the context of a immunosuppressive responseReferences Notes[ ]