3-hydroxykynurenine {90000418} Record Keys Parent:[ ] Definition:3-hydroxykynurenine Queue:[ ] Details Initialisation date:[ ] Specification: [ ]Source: [ ] Meta Information Structural Type:[ ] Functional Type:[ ] Function:Neurotoxic Notes: [ ]Shared Reference Notes [1.1] - high levels of 3-HK are associated with several psychiatric disorders. [#kynurenine] - Kyn can be metabolized either to #kynurenic acid (KYNA), with neuroprotective properties, or to the neurotoxic components #Quinolinic acid (QA) and 3-hydroxykynurenine (3-HK) [#Bipolar disorder] [#Quinolinic acid, #kynurenic acid, #kynurenine] - individuals with BD present lower peripheral blood levels of #Tryptophan, Kyn, KYNA, xanthurenic acid (a component derived from 3-HK), KYNA/Kyn and KYNA/QA ratio [1.2] [#Alzheimer’s disease, #Parkinson’s Disease] [#Tryptophan] - Part of #kynurenine can also be converted to 3-hydroxykynurenine (3-HK) by the #kynurenine-3-monooxygenase (KMO). 3-HK is further converted to 3-hydroxyanthranilic (3-HAA) via the enzyme kynureninase. Both 3-HK and 3-HAA are neurotoxic and oxidative mediators. - 3-HK has been shown to induce endogenous oxidative stress and neuronal cell apoptosis and has been linked to a series of neurodegenerative disorders References Notes[ ]