Branched-chain fatty acids {90000326} Record Keys Parent:[ ] Definition:Branched-chain fatty acids Queue:[ ] Details Initialisation date:[ ] Specification: BCFAsSource: [ ] Meta Information Structural Type:[ ] Functional Type:[ ] Function:[ ] Notes: [ ]Shared Reference Notes [1.1] - branched-chain fatty acids (BCFAs) such as valine, leucine, and isoleucine) have been found in much lower amounts in rodent and human GI tracts [1.2] [#Gastric bypass surgery] - RYGB surgery > the fecal concentrations of two BCFAs—#Isobutyrate and #Isovalerate—increased after surgery [#Secondary bile acids] - Roux-en-Y #Gastric bypass surgery (RYGB) > The changes in the fecal microbiome were linked to increased concentrations of branched-chain fatty acids and an overall decrease in secondary bile acid concentrations. - RYGB surgery also increased bile acid concentrations in plasma [1.3] - BCFAs have strong anti-inflammatory potential and may have a beneficial effect on insulin sensitivity in humans. - BCFAs can reduce the expression level of genes encoding proinflammatory proteins in a dose-dependent manner to play an anti-inflammatory role.References Notes[ ]