Exposures to Semivolatile Organic Compounds {51111160} Record Keys Definition:Exposures to Semivolatile Organic Compounds Queue:[ ] Details Initialisation date:2020-11-12 Specification: - SVOCs Meta Information Type:Environment Host:[ ] Zone:[ ] Notes: [ ]Shared Reference Notes [1.1] - SVOC biomarkers were detected ubiquitously in pooled urine samples. - In total, 61 bacterial taxon–biomarker and 24 fungal taxon–biomarker pairs displayed statistically significant relationships. - Sm-PFOS was associated with declines in several bacterial taxa. - Phthalate metabolites like MHiBP were negatively associated with fungi. - 10 genera historically capable of reductive dehalogenation displayed significant positive associations with halogenated SVOCsReferences Notes[ ]