Natural Med. Cond. ⇒ Hepatectomy {40000596} Record Keys Type:Natural Med. Cond. Parent:[ ] Definition:Hepatectomy Details Initialisation date:[ ] Other Terms:[ ] Meta Information MedDra ID:[ ] MedDra Level:[ ] ICD:[ ] Category:[ ] Zone:[ ] Mechanism:[ ] Notes: [ ]Shared Reference Notes [1.1] [#Acetate, #Short Chain Fatty Acid] - Phospholipid biosynthesis, hepatocyte proliferation, liver regeneration and survival were rescued in gnotobiotic mice colonized with a minimal SCFA-producing microbial community. - SCFAs (acetat) induced the growth of murine hepatocyte organoids and hepatic SCD1 expression in mice. - SCD1 was required for proliferation of human hepatoma cells and was associated with liver regeneration in human patients.References Notes[ ]